1. Rozkoš
- Nové Město nad Metují 4 km
- valley reservoir 9 km²
- camps Šeřeč, Česká Skalice
- plan, maps
- u hráze (near the dam)
- two parts 40 m distant: A) clay
and B) grassy & rocky
- beach length 2x20 - 200 m depending on water level, 10-50 naturists
- depth to 20 m implies relatively clean water
- parking 500 m on field path or 1 km on a parking place (over the dam)
- map, access to B, aerial views: overall, closer
- view when water is high: from A towards B,
from B towards A,
close to B,
steps to B,
from B westwards,
sunset from B
- at water level -1 m:
B waterside detail,
from lower part of B northwards,
from B to A,
from B westwards,
towards B and
overall B and A
- at water level -2 m:
B from the air and
one more time
- at water level -4 m (September 2003):
- Šeřeč (east beach)
2. U dubu (north beach)
- Týniště nad Orlicí
- former sand quarry 0.01 km²
- official with entry fee 25/15 (2007) (20/10 (2002))
- operational 9-21
- N-beach length 30 m, 10-30 naturists
- refreshment facility at textile beach (50 m)
- views: aerial overview, aerial closer, from the entrance eastwards,
from the entrance panoramatic
from the cashier panoramatic,
from the south,
from the east,
from the beach southwards
- textile bungalows (600 Kč/4 beds), phone (+420)494371686
- plan, detail, maps
3. Malšova Lhota
- Stříbrný rybník
- Hradec Králové 2 km (city bus)
- former sand quarry 0.05 km², quite clear water
- official, no entry fee
- several beaches on the peninsula, under pine trees; overall length 150 m; view from the entrance, closer, detail, from the camp, approaching closer, from the water, on the beach 1, 2, by the beach, towards the entry gate, path along the beach, the same path backwards, volleyball playground
- refreshment facility at textile beach (100 m)
- textile camp 100 m
- plan, detail, aerial photo 1, aerial photo 2, maps
4. Oplatil, Hrádek
- Staré Ždánice 2 km, Hrádek 3 km, Bohdaneč 5 km
- sand quarry 0.6 km²
- strand length 1400 m, hundreds of people, tens of small beaches, volleyball playground and petangue playground, N-walks, several kilometers of N-footpaths, surrounding meadows, swing rope on the isle
- swimming not allowed in the northern lake - Oplatil (water source)
- refreshment facility: both on N and T beaches
- east side: view from the beach,
along the beach,
solstice sunset
- western beach by the road 333
- plan, sat. photo, aerial photo, aerial detail, maps
5. Opatovice nad Labem (west)
- Opaťák
- Hradec Králové 3 km
- sand quarry 1.5 km²
- grassy beach cca 200 x 20 m, no trees
- N-beach (western) length 200 m (hundreds of naturists), CO-beach (southern) length 400 m
- refreshment facility N(west) and T(south-west)
- beach across the lake from south-east, closer ..., early morning from south, afternoon from north, from the beach eastwards, late evening from south
- plan, aerial photo, aerial photo 1, aerial photo 2, maps
6. Rusek and Smiřice
a) Rusek
- Rusek 1 km, Skalička 2 km, Hradec Králové 6 km
- former sand quarry 0.1 km²
- clothing optional, usually 5-20 naturists
- view north-westwards,
one of the beaches,
eastern side has
steeper bank, from east to north-west, eastwards, western grassy, beach , aerial photo 1, aerial photo 2
- detail Rusek, refreshment facility: Rusek (1 km) shop, restaurant
b) Smiřice
- Smiřice, Skalice 2 km, Hradec Králové 8 km
- former sand quarry 0.05 km²
- clothing optional on several small beaches in NW part, usually 2-10 naturists
- view from the N-beach north-eastwards, panoramatic SE-wards,
along the northern beach, aerial photo
- detail Smiřice, maps
7. Mělice
8. Petrův palouk
- Pastviny, near the dam
- Žamberk
- valley reservoir 0.5 km²
- clean, relatively colder water (470 m above sea level)
- steep bottom
- near entrance gate, with fishermen, aside textile beach; Rather find some unofficial place elsewhere.
- beach length 10 m, very few N-people
- with entry fee
- plan
9. Pod Karlovem - in 2003 forbidden by the landlord Kinský :-(((
In 2006 the fence broke, the old beach starts again! ;-)
9. Velké Dářko - new since 2003
- Velké Dářko (south)
- Škrdlovice 1.5 km; Žďár nad Sázavou 12 km
- pond 2 km²; slightly acid medicinal water (bottom sand and peat); may be colder - 615 meters above sea level
- in the camp near the dam, NE part
- refreshment facility in the T-camp
- plan, maps
10. Jezero, Poděbrady
- Jezero, 0.27 km²
- near village Kluk (parking)
11. Máchovo jezero
- Klůček (east beach)
- Doksy 1 km
- official with entry fee (2002: 25/15)
- clothing optional (N:T = 1:10)
- beach length 80 m
- usually quite crowded
- water slide
- refreshment facility
- textile camp 0.5 km
- Pod Borným (north beach)
- Doksy 6 km
- official with entry fee (2002: 15/10), 100 m part of the beach is traditionally N
- a view along the beach southwards
- refreshment facility at textile beach (100 - 200 m)
- part of the camp near the N-beach is CO
12. Vojkovice
13. Sadská
14. Cítov, Baraba
- Baraba
- Cítov 2 km, Mělník 4 km
- camping is tolerated; no facilities available
- Mělník
- former sand quarry, however the water quality may get worse due to sinking water, leaking to other sand quarries in surroundings
- new sand quarries are new potential N-localities
- photos 2006: former n-beach,
lake from 2004,
new lake in the field,
new lake Vliněves,
new lake Vliněves 2,
new lake Vliněves-Mělník.jpg,
tents on west bank of the old lake,
no drive in,
no entry
- plan, maps
15. Stará Boleslav
16. PRAHA - City
- Šárka
- Liboc
- Libocký rybník
- Praha (city tram 1,2,18)
- pond 0.1 km², cleaner than Džbán
- grassy beach, bottom partly concrete
- textiles prevail, dogs allowed
- plan, maps
- Štvanice Isle - After 2002 floods still not operating :-((
- Žluté lázně After 2004 reconstructions no N-beach :-( But from July 2005 again N-sunbathing area available :-)
- T-swimming pool, N-river Vltava
- Praha - Podolí
- official with
entry fee 2006: 100/60/30/- (2005: 80/50/30/-)
- clothing optional only for sunbathing, textile swimming!
- Motol
- pond
- Praha (city tram 9, 10, (7); bus 174, 179, 180, 184, 347, (167)); entrance from crossing Zahradníčkova - V Úvalu
- official with entry fee (2006: from 9AM - 50Kč, from 2PM - 40Kč, from 5PM - 30Kč, open 9-20)
- plan, maps
- Slavia
- swimming pool
- Praha - near Slavia football playground
- official with entry fee 2006: 80-110 (2002: 40-80)
- clothing optional only for sunbathing, textile swimming!
- maps
- Podolí
- swimming pool
- Praha - south
- official with entry fee (60Kč/1:30 h., 80Kč/2h., 90Kč/3h)
- aerial view
- clothing optional only for sunbathing, textile swimming!
- Braník
- Vltava river
- Praha - Braník
- clothing optional, as yet very few naturists (2004)
- plan, aerial photo, maps
17. Písek
18. Vlkov
19. Kladská
- Prameny
- Mýtský rybník
- Mariánské Lázně
- pond, peat bottom
- in forest
- plan, maps
20. Chomutov
- Kamencové jezero
- Chomutov
- alum lake (slightly acid medicinal water, no water life), 0.16 km²
- official with entry fee (2001: 10,-), grassy beach, scattered trees
- refreshment on beach - only sometimes ice cream shop
- several refreshment facilities in textile part
- textile camp 500 m
- on near lake water ski towage
- plan, maps, aerial views: overall, detail
21. Hamrníky
- Lido
- Mariánské Lázně
- pond 0.08 km², shallow - for children
- official with entry fee (2004: 30/15) Kč
- plan, maps
22. Popovice
- Koupaliště
- Beroun
- adapted pond, concrete bottom
- official with entry fee (25), separated part of the pool
- plan, maps
23. Příbram
- Nový rybník
- Příbram
- pond
- official with entry fee (20), grassy beach
- refreshment facility on textile beach
- plan, maps
24. Tatrovice
- Chodov
- valley reservoir
- clean water, quiet environment, woods
- in 2001 naturists all around the lake
- sometimes smells nearby chemical plant (Vřesová)
- plan, maps
25. Okrouhlá
- Jesenice
- Cheb
- valley reservoir, tens of naturists
- plan, maps
26. Ejpovice
- Rokycany 5 km, Ejpovice 3 km, Klabava 1 km
- former iron ore mine 0.4 km², depth up to 15 m
- plan, maps
27. Bolevec
- Bolevecký rybník
- Plzeň
- pond
- official with entry fee
- plan, maps
28. Bory
- Litická přehrada, České údolí
- Plzeň
- valley reservoir 1 km²
- in Autocamp "INA", tel. (+420)377382654 in 2007 reported to be very poor, dirty, ... :((
- Vladimíra Kurcová, Sušická 105, 31502 Plzeň
- about 100 tents, 80 caravans
- clothing optional
- plan, maps
29. Pavlovice
- Planá u Mariánských Lázní
- Bezděkov
- stone quarry, ladders, 10-50 people, CO (N:T = 1:2)
- with entry fee (2004 = 0)
- no refreshment facility
- plan, maps
30. Podhájí In 2002 not operating. Reconstructions.
- Horšovský Týn
- pond
- sand
- official with entry fee
- plan
31. Habrovice
- Ústí nad Labem
- pond 0.01 km²
- official, entry fee
- near textile camp (bungalows for rent)
- plan
32. Oldřichov
- důl Barbora
- Teplice v Čechách
- former coal mine 0.5 km²
- clean water! but clay bottom, except several spots with sand cover
- grassy beach length 100 m
- parking 20 - 50 m
- refreshment in Oldřichov
- plan, aerial views: overall, closer
33. Dobříň
- Roudnice nad Labem
- sand quarry (operational)
- clothing optional
- refreshment on textile side
- plan, maps
34. Mníšek
35. Bedřichov
36. Jihlava - Borovinka, Jezírko
37. StrakoniceNO MORE AVAILABLE :-(( but at least the town swimming pool offers N-sunbathing.
- Horní Řepický
- Strakonice 3 km, Domanice 1 km
- pond
- plan, maps
38. Třeboň
39. Pytlák - in 2008 not operating due to reconstruction
- Líšnický rybník
- Milevsko
- pond
- local name: Nudist plac
- maps, no plan
40. Jinolice NO MORE N :-(
- Kunratice
- Olšanský rybník 0.05 km², Šeberák 0.1 km²
- Praha
- ponds, grassy beach (length 200 m), stony bottom
- bus 114 from Kačerov or 165 from Opatov metro C stations
- no facilities
- some N-pioneers occur also at Šeberák paid (45 Kč) T-beach with basic T-facilities
- views
from the lake,
from the beach
- plan, maps
- aerial view
- paid part open 10 - 21
- textile camp 1 km
- Hostivař
- Oáza
- Praha - Jižní Město
- valley reservoir 0.5 km²
- beach 200 x 50 m, beach from the opposite side
- official, entry fee 50 (30 after 4PM) Kč, (2004:40/20), may be closed when the weather is not perfect
- refreshment facility, shower, WC, swans (polluted water)
- bus 165,170,203,212,213,227,260 from station Háje (metro C)
- plan, maps
- aerial view
- unofficial small CO beaches on the opposite side
42. Brněnská přehrada
- Bystrc
- Brno
- valley reservoir 2.5 km²
- official
- plan, maps
- Pod Tanečkovým
- Osada
43. Karlovy Vary
- Šachta, Jáma
- Čankov, Otovice, Karlovy Vary
- pond (former coal pit)
- plan, maps
- Lázně III
- swimming pool with entry fee (90)
- swimming pool 20 m, whirlpool, and two saunas (warm+hot)
- clothing is optional only except morning medical procedures
44. Pasohlávky, camp Merkur
45. Ostrožská Nová Ves For 2005 announced renewed sand exploitation, thus closing for public :-(( Officially closed for public :((
- Čtverec
- Ostrožská Nová Ves 1 km
- Uherské Hradiště 5 km
- sand quarry, depth 9 m, 0.3 km², bottom pebbles
- grassy beach 100 x 30 m, not steep, suitable for children
- parking "Jezero", refreshment 500 m (in textile part)
- views: over the water towards the beach (67k),
access to the beach (43k),
aside the beach (90k)
- plan, map, details, maps
46. Plumlov
47. Řepčín
48. Hustopeče
- 4-th lake, closer view
- Hustopeče nad Bečvou, Milotice nad Bečvou
- Hranice na Moravě
- former sand quarry, beach 50 x 50 m, the water quality may not be good
- refreshment 400 m (textile)
- plan, maps
49. Kroměříž - Bagrák
- Bagrák, Hrubý rybník
- Kroměříž
- former sand quarry 0.15 km²
- near the stadium
- plan, aerial photo
50. Antošovice - aer. photo
- Ostrava-Bohumín
- sand quarry 0.85 km²
- grassy beach length 300 m, clean water from underground source
- official, entry fee per person, car, tent, ...
- volleyball, rowing, slide, bowling
- refreshment: N-kiosk on the beach + nearby T-restaurant
- plan, maps, from Bohumín
From 2005 another nearby N-beach Katka - Mžikovec
51. Olše, Karviná
- near VOKD building
- Karviná-Ostrava
- river
- beach length 200 m, grass, sand
- volleybal playground, seesaws, ...
- parking at VOKD building
- plan, maps
52. Hlučín
- Ostrava-Hlučín, Děhylov 1.5 km
- former sand quarry
- steep bottom
- official
- many facilities in textile part
- plan, detail, maps
53. Lubina
- Větřkovická přehrada, Pod hůrkou
- Kopřivnice
- pond
- grassy beach, clay bottom, volleyball playground
- refreshment facility on textile beach
- plan, maps
54. Křetínka
- Svitavice, Meziříčko 1.5 km, Lazinov 1.5 km
- Letovice
- valley reservoir 1.1 km²
- official private beach 100 m²; owned by local N-group "Klub naturistů Křetínka"
- no entry for single men (sorry); children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult person; entry fee is voluntary
- small volleyball playground, picnic area
- accomodation in nearby (10 min. walk) hotel Svitavice, textile besides N-week (see events)
- views: from the bridge at the opposite beach,
from water to the beach,
over a cove,
over the beach westwards
page with more photos
- aerial photo, plan, maps, after parking near Svitavice some 200 m footway
55. Lhota nad Moravou
- Náklo, Lhota nad Moravou 1.5 km
- Litovel
- former sand quarry, noisy "water vehicles"
- beach length 100 m, width 1 - 5 m, a little steep
- refreshment facility on textile beach (1 km)
overall view
- plan, maps
56. Písečná
Alternative: Near Jeseník one can N-swim in quarries between Vápenná and Žulová.
57. Petrův Důl
58. Kobylníky (south)
- Slapská přehrada, Vltava
- Chotilsko
- Prostřední Lhota, Sejcká Lhota
- valley reservoir 13 km²
- small beaches among houseboats, textiles prevail :-(
- narrow beach, steep rocky bottom forest
- refreshment and parking: Kobylníky - restaurant (1 km)
- view from the opposite bank
- plan, maps
59. Nebory - 2003 reported change of owner and became NOT NATURIST :-((
- Podlesí
- Třinec
- swimming pool
- grassy beach
- no plan
60. Siberie
- Frenštát pod Radhoštěm
- concrete bottom
- grassy beach
- no plan, maps
61. České Budějovice
- Velký Jez (Velký Splav)
- Štilec
- Kamenný Újezd
- pond
- no plan, maps
62. Amerika
- Karlštejn
- lake
- rocks
- closed (:-((natural preserve, dangerous falling rocks!)
- no plan, maps
63. Matka Země - Mléčná dráha
- NUDI CAMP 'Mother Earth - Milky Way'
- Bert en Wilk Schaak (NL), Račov 15
- 384 72 Zdíkov
- Vimperk (12 km)
- tel. (+420) 388 426 222 or (+420) 721 982 572-cellular
- nudist camp (about 60 tent places, 40 caravans)
- price/day: 200 Kč/tent, 170 Kč/person
- swimming pool
- www pages
- plan, maps
64. Sportcentrum Doubí - 2003 reported intention to close the N-beach :-((?)
- Branná u Třeboně
- pond 0.8 km², sand bottom
- textile camp (bungalows, tents) near the nudist beach
- N-week: 5.7. - 12.7. 2003 in an N-camp: 305 Kč/day w. half board
- contacts: doubi
treb.cz, phone: (+420) 384 721 105, (+420) 384 724 371(fax), cell: (+420) 602 118 575, (+420) 604 121 965
- maps, no plan
65. Příšovice near Turnov
- Malý Písečák, NE beach
- Příšovice 600 m, Ploukonice 300 m
- former sand quarry 0.12 km²
- 100 m shore with several grassy beaches, few trees, 300 m from parking
- view over the lake, from the lake,
along the beach,
from the beach
- depth 1-2 m,
shore depth safe for children, bottom
gravel, sand, mud
- by car only from Příšovice, by foot from Ploukonice, too
- (textile) windsurfing and fishing at Velký Písečák
- textile camp and refreshment between the two water bodies
- plan, maps, aerial view
66. Olešná
- Frýdek-Místek 3 km, Zelinkovice
- reservoir 0.5 km²
- beach length 400 m
- official
- refreshment 100 m - fish (textile)
- textile camp on the other side
- plan, maps
67. Pamětník
68. Píšťany
- Pískovna
- Litoměřice - 4 km west
- sand quarry 1 km²
- beach length ? m
- refreshment ? (textile)
- plan
69. Lipno
- Lipno
- Frymburk - 3 km south
- valley reservoir 45.5 km², altitude 720 m
- beach length 500 m
- clothing optional
- grass, among trees
- bottom sand and pebbles, slight descent
- textile camp and refreshment 2 km
- see also SW bank: 40 km of rarely visited sand beaches
- plan, maps
70. Adršpach
- Dolní Adršpach, Pískovna
- lake 0.05 km²
- clothing optional
- grass, among trees, sandstone
- entry fee to the Rock Town 40 Kč/day or 100 Kč/season
- bathing is often prosecuted - natural reserve (:-((
- plan, maps
- view to rock towers,
from beach,
from a rock tower
71. Klatovy
- Klatovy
- city swimming pool
- only sunbathing, bathing is textile
- grass, wooden plates
- entry fee
- textile swimming, refreshment, playgrounds
- plan
72. Vesecký rybník & Jablonec-Taiwan
73. Kristýna
- Hrádek nad Nisou, Zittau
- quarry 0.02 km², depth max. 28 m
- grass
- refreshment at textile part
- plan, aerial view
74. Klokočov
- FKK CAMP operating from mid June to August
- capacity: large meadow, tens of tents
- price cca 750 Kč/family/day
- pond 0.01 ha, depth 1 - 2 m
- swimming pool 10 x 20 m, overview since 2002
- pub, yard
- address: Bezmíř 18, 257 54 Vojkov
- Sedlčany, Votice (10 km)
- tel./fax. (+420) 317729053 / 317729055 (only in July & August),
e-mail: Klokocov
- plan, aerial overview, ... closer ..., and detail, maps, highway D3 over the camp
75. Jindřiš
76. Suchdol
- former sand quarry, 0.04 km²
- Suchdol nad Lužnici(1 km)
- on a former island
- no refreshment facility
- plan, maps
77. Víchov and Vranov near Stříbro
- pond Víchovský rybník (Víchovák), 0.19 km²
- Víchov 1 km, Stříbro (5 km)
- official CO beach by a textile camp
- plank, aerial photo
- Vranov - N-beach existence recently not confirmed :(
- valley reservoir Hracholusky, 4.7 km²
- Stříbro (4 km)
- near a textile camp
- refreshment facility in the camp (phone (+420) 374623385
- plan
78. Cínovec
- pond Dlouhý rybník, 0.02 km²
- Dubí (9 km), Teplice
- plan, view, maps
79. Orlík - Klučenice and Charvatská stráň
- valley reservoir Orlík, 20 km²
- Podskalí, Klučenice (4 km)
- to the N-beach need to cross a bay from the camp Podskalí
- plan, maps
- Charvatská stráň
- pebble N-beach (length 200-300 m), no facilities, at the E end CO
- to the N-beach need to cross the reservoir from the camp Radava
- plan, maps
80. Tišice
81. Sušice
- small river Otava
- Páteček, Červený Dvorec, Sušice (2 km)
- no refreshment facility
- plan
82. Nechranice
- valley reservoir Nechranice (river Ohře), 13.38 km², max. depth 46 m
- a) Vikletice; b) the opposite bank
- depth near the beach up to 20 m
- no refreshment facility
- plan
83. Olomouc
84. Tovačov
- half way from Přerov to Prostějov
- former sand quarries, x.x km²
- the eastern one is forbidden ;-( drinking water reservoir
- several small beaches
- plan, maps
85. Penčice
- 7 km north of Přerov
- 50 m swimming pool and two shallow pools for children
- official with entry fee 30/15 Kč (from June 11: weekends 10-18, July-August 10-20)
- clothing optional only for sunbathing (terrace with wodden deckchairs + shower), but textile swimming, playground and restaurant!
- plan
86. Říčany
- towards Nedvězí, access from road Říčany - Pacov westwards
- pond unofficially called Přehrada, 3.5 ha, depth over 2 m, quite clean water
- few small grassy CO-beaches separated by trees
- views 1, 2, 3, dam, incoming creek
- plan,
aerial view,
87. Telč
- pond Horní Mrzatec
- Between villages Mrákotín and Lhotka, raw nature
- clean water, muddy bottom, calamus
- western beach, usually up to 10 people, under trees
- plan, maps
88. Uherský Brod
- Centrum pohybových aktivit DELFÍN, Slovácké náměstí 2377, 688 01 Uherský Brod
- official, tel. 572 619 541, fax: 572 619 522, mail: info
- grassy yard of the finnish sauna with cooling pool
- view: cooling pool
- plan
89. Lipnice nad Sázavou
- Lipnice nad Sázavou, Radostovice, Havl. Brod, Humpolec
- several abandoned stone quarries (granite)
- besides those marked in the plan, other small ones may be more cozy
- "wild" nature, clean water, difficult approach (cars not allowed on forestry roads)
- capacity several people (textiles may prevail, but never mind)
- views 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5, 6
- plan, more info (CZ), maps, aerial view south - north
90. Růženin lom, Pod Hády
- Brno-Líšeň
- several shalow ponds with grassy beaches
- protected natural area, but access is not forbidden
- textiles usually prevail
- a lot of dogs, even if dogs are fobidden here
- view 1,
- plan, more info (CZ), maps
91. Mohelnice
- Mohelnice, Moravičany - 2 km
- two sand quarries, each 0,4 km², the southern one no more exploited
- the beach overgrown by grass, trees, length 200 m
- shared with textiles and fishermen
- aerial view
- plan, maps
92. Františkovy Lázně
- textile Auto Camp Jadran
- entry fee; in the remote part of the beach nudity is tolerated
- maps
93. Rakovník
94. Holýšov
- Holýšov 2 km, Stod 2 km, Plzeň 15 km
- pond in a forest, 0.02 km²
- CO, but often only textiles, no nudists :-(
- view towards the beach
- plan, maps
95. Libeč
96. Žihle
- 30 km N of Plzeň
- family pension with 7 beds in 3 bedrooms + bathroom, kitchen, TV room
- nudist mode only when all accomodated agree. (Rent all rooms! It is not expensive!)
- garden 1500 m² for tents, 2 outdoor pools (~5m)
- plan, maps
97. Liberec
98. Radnice
- Jezero, S of Radnice
- Former coal quarry, but don't worry :-) The water is clean.
- Depth 1 to 20 m, area 0.05 km², grassy and rocky beach.
- Nudists tolerated on the west beach
- view northwards, southwards
- plan
99. Orlice, Borohrádek
- river (Tichá) Orlice in the span between Choceň and Hradec Králové
- small beaches in meanders, some CO, some T, some empty
- depth 0 - 2 m, stream 0 - 2 m/s, sand, grass and pebbles beach. Somwhere even wooden ;-).
- the best approach is by canoe going downstream
- some beaches are suitable for camping
- near Borohrádek by the right bank a new sand quarry (4.3 ha), in the E part use to be Ns
- parking by the road 318 from Borohrádek towards Čestice, on W bank of the lake
- view from the road (parking) and over the lake towards the parking, aerial view, maps
100. Horní Brusnice
- Dvůr Králové nad Labem (ZOO) 7 km
- N-camp ~ tens of campsites, for INF members
- 5 m swimming pool
- In 2005 open from 25-07 till 03-09
- Dutch owners: Crotjee and v/d Bruggen, mobil: +420 737 788 763
- plan, maps
101. Čelákovice
- Former sand quarry, 0.059 km²
- Čelákovice 0.5 km
- long sand beach, shorter stony beach, some small beahces, CO, textiles significantly prevail
- Very clean water, but some waste in surroundings :(
- plan, aerial photo, maps
102. Újezdec
- Former plumbago (graphite) quarry, 0,1 km²
- Vodňany 5 km, Číčenice 1.5 km, Újezdec 500 m
- Nice clean water, in the middle of forests
- plan, aerial photo, maps
103. Homolák (+ Kosov) and Kosov Access prohibited by the owner
- limestone quarry lake, 0.01 km², unfortunately bit by bit decreased by a stone deposit
- Vinařice 1 km, Suchomasty 3 km, Měňany 3 km, Koněprusy 4 km
- Nice clean water, very dangerous rocks both above and under water
- CO (T-majority), for Ns the western terrace is recommended
- views southwards, closer, northwards
- plan, aerial photo, satellite photo, maps
- Kosov: Near the village Jarov, 2 km southwest of Beroun; view, maps, aerial photo
104. Opava - Sádrák (Stříbrné jezero = Silver Lake)
105. Košín
